Saturday, May 27, 2017

Focus on Art

Another busy few weeks in Room 5, with learning and creating.  We are exploring art, different ways to be creative and expressive, and how to use different art tools and techniques.
Collage on duroseal

Autumn art

String painting

Tongue of the Dog


Mothers Day cards

Monday, May 15, 2017

Art Tour

This morning we went on the school bus for an art tour around our city.  We went went our buddy class from Room 10.  We had photos of art that we had to find as went went around the city, and to tick off.  Our buddies helped us with this.
Getting ready to go

The bus! 

Abheyjot looking at his art photos

Theo ticks off some of his art he has seen

Buddies working together

Dugan was our bus driver

Coming up to the cloak at Hamilton Gardens
Can you see it?

Tongue of the Dog
Our favourite art icon

Anzac Soldier

Woah!!  Here we go over the humpy bridge!

Autumn leaves in Claudelands

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Feijoas in the Kitchen Garden

We went for a big walk around our school today, to show our new friends.  We visited the Redwood Tree, and remembered our school whakatauki Stand Tall Reach High -  Tu Tangata Tu Maia comes from the Redwood Tree.
We played on Putikitiki (see previous blog entry) and then we went to see what was happening in the Kitchen Garden.
When we got there we saw a sea of feijoas on the ground!  Yum!  We love feijoas!  So we ate some!  They were so juicy and tasty.

Room 5 at the Kitchen Garden seat

Play at Putikitiki

Putikitiki is the large field at the bottom of our school.  It is a fun place to play, but we have to go with a teacher or an adult to play there.
This afternoon we explored the climbing frame and big swing on Putikitiki.  This play encourages gross motor development which is necessary for formal learning such as reading and writing.  There was a lot of group work and cooperation on the swing, as well as negotiating who was going to push!

Autumn Leaves

Autumn has well and truly arrived with lots of beautiful golden leaves blowing down from our trees at Hamilton East School.
As well as having fun playing in the leaves, and chasing them in the wind, we collected some up to do some leaf rubbings.
We collected some leaves from Dawson Street field.

Gorgeous golden autumn leaves

Doing the leaf rubbings was pretty tricky, as we had to hold the paper firmly and rub the leaf underneath.  We made some beautiful leaf patterns.